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Interlined blinds and curtains – help keep out the winter cold

I am currently working on four interlined blinds for a lounge. Interlining blinds or curtains is a great way to help exclude the draughts that can creep in through windows or doors. This is particularly relevant given the current
colder weather we’re experiencing. ‘Interlining’ involves sandwiching a thick
woollen material between the fabric and lining to block out heat loss. Not only can interlining curtains and blinds keep you warmer but they also hang very well and create a luxurious look.

I stock a range of interlining fabric in different weights as well as linings,
and would be happy to advise on the most suitable option for your needs. I can also add interlining to an existing pair of curtains or blind.

Posted in Product News on the 19th September 2013 at 4:01pm. (0 comments)

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